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I'm passionate about strengthening the representation of women+ in science, acrosss all career-levels and ages. 


Co-organizer and co-leader of women+@KIPAC (est. 2021), a group that focuses on strengthening the network of women and gender minorities at Stanford KIPAC.


women+@KIPAC holds weekly lunches, semester get-togethers, and yearly capstone events that focus on community building and professional development.



Co-organizer of Astronomy activities for FEMMES (Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering and Science), an organization dedicated to closing gender and racial divides in computer science and STEM fields. University of Michigan hosts bi-yearly FEMMES Science Capstone events, providing hands-on STEM education to 4th - 6th graders from schools in southeast Michigan.  


I developed and adapted hands-on demos to teach girls about star formation, the detection of planets, and gravitational waves.



Developed lectures and labs for astronomy and physics summer lectures. 


The Stanford Program for Inspiring the Next Generation of Women in Physics (SPINWIP) is a virtual summer outreach program hosted by the Stanford Physics Department and the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, designed to get high-school girls excited about physics. SPINWIP. SPINWIP aims to teach first-generation students and students from underrepresented backgrounds cutting-edge research in physics.



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1000 Hilltop Cir, Baltimore, MD 21250

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